Ecclesfield in Bloom
Bringing colour and pleasure to Ecclesfield Village
 Next meeting:  

Gatty Hall

  Meeting Dates  

Anybody interested in helping to bring some colour to Ecclesfield Village is welcome to come along or to email us on

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  Plant Sale  
18 May 2024 10:00, Plant Sale.
Everyone is welcome to come to our Spring plant sale in the grounds of St. Mary's Church. Plants of all shapes, sizes and colours will be on sale, and refreshments will be available
in St Mary's Church, Church Street, S35 9XZ. See . (Note that if anyone can grow any plants or divide any of the plants in their garden for us to sell that would be great).


Click here to see recent Ecclesfield in Bloom Events...

Click here to see what is going on in "Ecclesfield Park"...

Click here to see other Ecclesfield Events...

Caution: LadyCroft Meadow, and other areas we look after contain daffodils which are poisonous, as well as wild flowers and native trees, many of which protect themselves by being poisonous to humans and animals. Cuttings or debris may be especially dangerous, since animals may not be put off from eating them, while some of their poisons last 6 months. Nothing on these areas should therefore be eaten or grazed.